Welcome to SOTI MobiControl 15.0 Help
SOTI MobiControl is an enterprise mobile management solution dedicated to helping you manage and monitor your enterprise devices. Use SOTI MobiControl Help to learn about all the features available through SOTI MobiControl.
As your employees increasingly rely on their devices to keep them connected and performing optimally, finding tools that address your evolving needs is vital for success. SOTI MobiControl allows you to manage your enterprise devices - and their data, connections, security, and so on - from a central location.
The following is a (very) abbreviated list of SOTI MobiControl features:
Remote Control and Remote View: access (and troubleshoot) your devices remotely
Application management: control the software deployed to your devices
Data protection: safeguard enterprise data with restricted content repositories, enforced connection policies and more
Location services: find your devices and monitor their movements
Data collection: gather vast amounts of data regarding your devices
Profile configurations: apply settings across wide swathes of your deployment at once
Furthermore, the SOTI MobiControl device search makes it easy to craft precise search queries that allow you to find and target exactly the devices you want.
Whether you're running an on-premises deployment or taking advantage of the SOTI MobiControl Cloud option, getting started with SOTI MobiControl is simple. Once you're set up, you'll be ready to begin enrolling your devices and managing them from the SOTI MobiControl console.
Hover over different areas in the image below to see what you can do right from the Devices view. Click each area to learn more.